About Us

Welcome to Growth Opps! Thank you for visiting our website; I hope you find yourself in it. At Growth Opps, we work with businesses, corporate and civic leaders, and communities, to solve persistent economic, financial, and social challenges. We know opportunity has been limited for minorities with codified exclusions for Black/African American persons. We believe ourselves to be global citizens and are vested in the role America can and should play in bringing out the best in people and governments. We believe all lives matter and we unapologetically believe that to include Black Lives. We believe equity is not a subtraction event, to suggest one group must be at a deficit; rather, a matter of addition, where those who have been excluded can have the opportunity to compete at par.
What holds us back individually holds us all back, collectively. Friends, we are actively living in one of the greatest civil rights moments of our lifetime. I am committed and vested in doing all I can, with you, to change the laws, policies, and practices, which have divided us for far too long. My team at Growth Opps is no less committed. Please join us in our efforts.
Let’s change the world together!Michael
Welcome to Growth Opps! Thank you for visiting our website; I hope you find yourself in it. At Growth Opps, we work with businesses, corporate and civic leaders, and communities, to solve persistent economic, financial, and social challenges. We know opportunity has been limited for minorities with codified exclusions for Black/African American persons. We believe ourselves to be global citizens and are vested in the role America can and should play in bringing out the best in people and governments. We believe all lives matter and we unapologetically believe that to include Black Lives. We believe equity is not a subtraction event, to suggest one group must be at a deficit; rather, a matter of addition, where those who have been excluded can have the opportunity to compete at par.
What holds us back individually holds us all back, collectively. Friends, we are actively living in one of the greatest civil rights moments of our lifetime. I am committed and vested in doing all I can, with you, to change the laws, policies, and practices, which have divided us for far too long. My team at Growth Opps is no less committed. Please join us in our efforts.
Let’s change the world together!Michael
mission and vision
At Growth Opportunity Partners (“Growth Opps”), we offer community development capital, services and solutions to growing small businesses, primarily located in underserved, low and moderate income (LMI) communities in Ohio.

Capital markets, when left to their own devices, have shown not to reach low-income and minority communities in the same manner as others. Recognizing some communities and groups of people have been consistently excluded from meaningful investment, Growth Opps was created to make capital, professional quality advisory services, and data accessible. It’s one thing to see opportunity across town, but another to have it within reach.
Board & Staff

Ndeda N. Letson
Board Chairwoman
Vice President Midwest Community Development Market Management
Citizens Bank

Sheila Wright
Board Vice Chair
Vice President
The Good Community Foundation

Richard (Duke) Jankura, Jr.
Board Treasurer
Senior Partner, Finance
JumpStart Inc.